Good morning. Today is June 19.

I am covering Biden’s war on Israel, Trump’s candidate barely winning, Biden’s latest frozen moment, news from the Cali border, what Juneteenth means to me, and the DML adventures. Please share!


The Squad

Failing Our Friend
The Latest Biden Blunder Will Result in Death.

The alliance between the United States and Israel dates back to the establishment of Israel as a modern state in 1948. Formal diplomatic relations were established shortly after, and since then, the two nations have maintained a strong and strategic alliance characterized by political, military, and economic cooperation. However, when Obama took office, he demonstrated a readiness to engage with the Muslim world surrounding and threatening Israel daily, which strained relations between Israel and the US.

Trump came into office and ended the nonsense; our relationship with Israel was great again. However, Biden is undoing all the progress. Being led by Obama's influence, barely able to think for himself, let alone put together a full sentence without stuttering, I think Biden was instructed to ruin all the progress Trump made. Therefore, Israel feels as if the US is no longer the ally it once was.

In October 2023, Hamas executed one of the most significant sneak terror attacks in history. Israel was caught off guard, and the death toll was significant. Women, babies, the elderly, soldiers—no one was spared. Hostages were taken. The images are horrifying, and the reality remains stark. Israel has been thrust into a new level of war, fighting for its survival.

If Trump were in office, the attack would never have happened. Even if I am wrong and the attack was imminent regardless of the US president, Trump would have had Israel's back fully. Not Biden, and certainly not his boss Obama.

Biden should be as protective of Israel as he is of Ukraine, but he isn't. Instead, much like the radical college students and terrorists who take over college campuses in the name of Hamas, under Obama's and Biden's joint leadership, the US is playing games with sending weapons to Israel, thus showing signs of favoring Hamas and Iran.

Prime Minister Netanyahu took to Twitter on June 18 to criticize the Biden administration for withholding weapons to help defend the nation from Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran. "I told Secretary Blinken it's inconceivable that in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel," Netanyahu said in a video.

Not everyone in DC is an idiot.
Republicans and Democrats alike have invited Netanyahu to address Congress on July 24, showing strong wartime support for the longtime ally despite mounting criticisms over Israel's military assault on Hamas in Gaza. However, not everyone in DC wants Netanyahu to come. The outspoken critic known as AOC is harshly condemning Netanyahu for trying to protect his people from further massacre.

The two-bit clown known as AOC, is brutally condemning Netanyahu for trying to protect his people from further massacre. In a tweet late Tuesday, she writes, "This man should not be addressing Congress. He is a war criminal. And he certainly has no regard for US law, which is explicitly designed to prevent US weapons from facilitating human rights abuses. His invitation should be revoked. It should have never been sent in the first place."

The radical bartender turned House representative and other progressive clown known as the "Squad" are furious that their leaders agreed to invite Netanyahu to address Congress.

It will happen again. It will happen here too.
Mark my words: If the US does not fully support Israel, the Jewish nation will fall to its knees. And we will be next.

Israel isn’t unfairly targeting some little country unable to defend itself. They are trying to eliminate a terror group called Hamas once and for all. Yet, the Obama-Biden administration is ensuring that Israel is left vulnerable. It seems to be part of a bigger plan, in my opinion. The Muslim Brotherhood aims to destroy Israel and then take slowly take over the US from within. The plan is working perfectly with Obama effectively in office for a third term.

Years ago, during an appearance on Fox News, I voiced my concern that America would suffer another 9/11, but it would involve small sneak attacks all over the country. Thankfully, what I predicted has not unfolded on US soil as of today, but it has in Israel. And what we all witnessed happening on TV in Israel, I believe, will soon happen in the US. Regardless of when it happens, make no mistake, this is all interconnected. Leaving Israel hungry but not starving is a slow and sly way of weakening them, just as leaving our border wide open and granting amnesty puts our country on a slow road that leads off a cliff.

The Poll of the Day:

POLL: Trump was recently asked if he believes extraterrestrials (aliens) exist. Today, we ask you the same question.
Take the poll, click here

Yesterday’s poll results:
Who will win the first debate?
Trump: 99%
Biden: 1%


TRUMP 2024

Too Close for Comfort in VA

Trump-backed Virginia State Sen. John McGuire (R) appears to be leading the closely contested race in Virginia’s 5th Congressional District against Rep. Bob Good (R-VA).

According to the Associated Press, with the polls closed, McGuire has 31,411 votes (50.3%), while Good has 31,084 votes (49.7%). Despite the race being too close to call officially, McGuire declared victory just before midnight on Tuesday, expressing confidence that the remaining votes would favor him.

If Trump doesn’t win this contest, the Left will have much to say and confidence to gain that the MAGA movement 2024 isn’t as strong as it may appear.

Also: During Tuesday’s broadcast of FNC’s “Special Report,” Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) addressed the possibility of being chosen as presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's running mate for the upcoming election. Vance mentioned he had not been asked but implied that he would accept the offer if Trump were to choose him.

BIDEN 2024

Frozen Again!

During a White House event late yesterday, President Biden momentarily froze and seemed to forget the name of his Homeland Security Secretary. Speaking from the podium in the White House’s East Room, Biden was announcing new measures to provide a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants living in the U.S. He introduced himself with his usual joke about being "Jill Biden’s husband" and thanked Congress. However, he appeared to falter when attempting to recall Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ name.

At the podium, President Biden announced significant policy changes in an election year, providing a pathway to citizenship for hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants in the United States. He stated that in the coming months, his administration will permit certain American citizens' spouses who are living in the U.S. illegally to apply for permanent residency and eventually citizenship without needing to leave the country first.



Another Day, Another Death

Ignacio Cruz-Mendoza, a 47-year-old illegal alien from Mexico with a history of multiple deportations from the United States, caused a fatal crash on Hwy 285 near Conifer, Colorado. Driving a semi-truck carrying a load of steel pipe, Cruz-Mendoza lost control of the vehicle, causing it to overturn and spill its cargo onto other cars. This tragic incident resulted in one fatality and left another person seriously injured. Despite the severity of the crash, Cruz-Mendoza himself emerged unharmed.

He faces charges of reckless driving and homicide-related offenses. Cruz-Mendoza has been deported 16 times over the span of two decades, starting with his first arrest in April 2002.

ALSO: Shown in the photo above… San Diego sector Border Patrol agents arrested a Chinese national with a murder warrant after he crossed illegally. Heck, we got one. How long until he is released?



Tomorrow, there will be something different on the newsletter. Based on your feedback, I will be combining the sections: RADICALS, SOCIETY TODAY, and GOING GLOBAL into one section. If you are dead against this and feel I am making a mistake, email me at


I am with my son Ryan in December having a Christmas cocktail. Today is Ryan’s 24th birthday.

Aside from hanging out with Ryan, I am leading the shipping department today. Our huge site-wide BOGO is coming to an end soon, and so the shipping begins. If you have not taken advantage, you should. Go to

I will be talking about Biden’s amnesty push, be sure to tune in on

I hate the idea that my kid has his birthday land on Juneteenth.

I am a lucky man to have such a great son! Happy birthday Ryan.

We will be ordering take-out, Mary had oral surgery yesterday.

Do not measure a man by the size of his bank account, but rather the size of his smile.

The newsletter is insanely great. But I hate this economy.

Send me your feedback: Email me at


Martin Luther King Jr. Day wasn't enough. Then came Black History Month. Still, that wasn't enough. Now we have Juneteenth, aka a Biden-created holiday, supposed to commemorate the emancipation of enslaved African Americans in the United States. Originating in Texas in 1865, it marks the day when Union soldiers announced the end of slavery, two years after the Emancipation Proclamation. Why don't we just declare every day as, 'I AM SORRY DAY.'

I wonder how many Juneteenth deaths will unfold in the inner cities today. The number one cause of death for a young Black male is homicide. Perhaps Biden should focus on that sort of thing? I'll be looking past it all and celebrating my kid's birthday instead.


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Until tomorrow morning, I thank you for your support.
God bless you all,




Biden delivers cheap shot at Trump