Good morning. Today is June 19.

I am covering new The Ten Commandments law, Trump slumps in a new poll, Biden struggles to get into the car, Mayorkas disses dead mother, China gets a blow from Ecuador, $600k homeless shelters, the broke, woke, and crazy folk, plus, the DML adventures, and so much more. Please share!


The Ten Commandments
Louisiana Places God Back In School

Societal collapse in the US is undeniable. We live in a country where crime runs rampant and often goes unpunished, the family unit is shunned upon, corruption is contagious, gender is suddenly debatable, white people are demonized, respect for the elderly is nearly nonexistent, and positive news is scarce because bad news sells. If you ask me why this is happening, my answer is simple: God has been removed from too many areas of society.

Louisiana recently made history as the first state in the United States to enforce the posting of the Ten Commandments in all public school classrooms, a decision signed into law by Gov. Jeff Landry amidst expected legal challenges.

  • Significance:

    • This legislation marks a major milestone, mandating that the Ten Commandments be displayed prominently in classrooms across all public educational institutions receiving state funding.

    • While similar efforts have been made in other states like Texas, South Carolina, and Utah, Louisiana's law sets a stricter requirement.

  • Context:

    • The initiative gained momentum following Supreme Court interpretations, such as in the case of Kennedy v. Bremerton School District, which suggested a broader interpretation of religious expression in public institutions.

    • Louisiana's law specifies that a Protestant translation of the Ten Commandments must be displayed.

      • You shall have no other gods before Me.

      • You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

      • You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

      • Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

      • Honor your father and your mother.

      • You shall not murder.

      • You shall not commit adultery.

      • You shall not steal.

      • You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

      • You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.

  • Legal Opposition:

    • Civil rights groups, including the ACLU and Americans United for Separation of Church and State, have announced plans to challenge the law in court, arguing it violates constitutional principles.

    • They have condemned the law as unconstitutional and anticipate a fierce legal battle.

  • Governor's Response:

    • Governor Landry anticipated legal challenges and expressed his readiness for them, openly welcoming the opportunity to defend the law in court.

    • The bill's author, Rep. Dodie Horton, defended it as fundamental, asserting that the Commandments serve as the foundation of Louisiana's legal system.

  • Legislative Details:

    • The bill stipulates that the Commandments must be printed on a poster no smaller than 11 inches by 14 inches, with the text prominently featured.

    • This measure was part of a broader legislative agenda signed by Gov. Landry, which included provisions related to private school funding and guidelines for addressing transgender students' rights.

This format provides a distinct presentation of the key aspects and implications of Louisiana's new law mandating the display of the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms, emphasizing its significance and the anticipated legal and societal responses.

By no means am I a saint, Lord knows I don’t walk on water. I curse all too often, scream at the idiot driving too slow, and use negative words to describe Democrats, but I am a God-fearing man who knows what he knows. And I know that if society would welcome in a lot more of God and a whole lot less of Satan, we would truly be great again

If this new law remains in place, which means the anti-God members of our society do not get their way, I GUARANTEE that the crime rate, divorce rate, drug overdoses, and corruption will drop significantly in the state. NOTE: We may have to compromise and tell the school kids Moses wasn’t white.

The Poll of the Day

POLL: Do you support amnesty to illegal spouses and their children?
Take the poll, click here

Yesterday’s poll results:
Do you believe extraterrestrials (aliens) exist?
Yes  53.81%  
No  33.22%  
Unsure  12.97%   


TRUMP 2024

New Poll Is Not Good

I've never relied on polls to guide my thinking. Trump says the same, unless he's leading in the polls — then suddenly they're great. Either way, on my podcast yesterday, I expressed concern over Trump's endorsement of a lesser-known candidate in Virginia who barely surpassed Rep. Bob Good, known for his strong stance on immigration. Good has an A+ rating from NumbersUSA, an anti-illegal immigration advocacy group. It's puzzling why Trump wouldn't support someone hailed as a hero in the fight for secure borders. As for the latest polling:

Joe Biden is the frontrunner in a hypothetical matchup against former President Trump for the first time since October, as positive views of the economy inch up — hitting their highest level thus far in the Biden presidency, according to a new Fox News national survey.  

Since May, there was a 3-point change in the presidential race. Trump was ahead by 1 point last month, while Biden is up by 2 points today: 50%-48%. That’s well within the margin of error.

BIDEN 2024

Can’t Climb In!

Another day, another video of Joe struggling to perform even the most basic tasks. In a recent incident, Joe was seen walking with Secret Service and Jill towards his SUV. As he reached the car door, he appeared uncertain about how to get in, a common occurrence in his recent actions. Once again, Joe froze up, prompting a Secret Service agent to step in and prevent him from falling backwards. The video concludes, offering clear evidence of Joe's decline. Despite this, he continues to rise in the polls?

Also: The Press Secretary had the audacity to claim that Republicans are manipulating videos of Joe Biden to create the illusion that he isn't stumbling, fumbling, and mumbling on a daily basis. If you have 5 minutes to spare, here is the best compilation video of Biden ever made.

And one more: Kamala Harris has just released an incredibly distasteful video, but this is our Vice President. I can’t even describe it. (WARNING: If you've recently eaten a meal, avoid clicking. It's enough to induce acid reflux.)



Say Her Name

Maryland resident and US citizen Rachel Morin would still be alive if it weren't for Joe Biden and his DHS head, Mr. Mayorkis. Unfortunately, the mother of five was killed by an illegal alien who entered the country during Biden's administration. Yesterday, on CNN, DHS Sec. Mayorkis refused to say the victim’s name — instead referring to her as an “individual.”

Shortly thereafter, Morin's mother appeared on Fox News, expressing her disbelief and disappointment that the administration has neither mentioned Rachel's name nor reached out to offer support or an apology.

ALSO: Last week on my podcast, I told you how Biden’s executive order at the border was all for show. Apprehensions would go down in time for the debate, but the gotaways would scale higher. Nobody in the news ever speaks about the gotaways. But, I do. So, get a load of this: Per internal CBP data, 494 known gotaways were recorded Tuesday, and the current 7 day average of gotaways stands at 515 per day.

FINALLY: Ecuador announced the suspension of an agreement with China that had waived visas for Chinese citizens traveling to the South American country, citing a “worrying” increase in irregular migration. The measure was taken after authorities saw that around 50% of Chinese nationals entering Ecuador didn’t leave the country “through regular routes.”

Since 2023, people from China are among the top nationalities of migrants reaching the United States. Ecuador has become a popular starting point for Chinese migrants who would then he for the United States. Why would Biden allow so many Chinese into the border? They must have something on him.



The headlines today are incredible. Click here for them all, plus the videos.

- RFK and CNN debate, the conflict rises. Video.

- Stonehenge ruined by protestors. Video.

- Romney slams Trump, again. Video.

- NY Gov goes nutty over hot weather. Video.

- New luxury homeless shelter ruffles feathers. Video.

- Burgum on Biden’s ‘dictatorship.

- Bidenomics forcing retirees back to work.

- Pro-Hamas protestors causing faculty to lose jobs.

- Lonely? They’ll give you a pet robot.

- Russia taking over US position of supplying natural gas to EU

Get all those stories in one place. Click here.


My daughter Kelly, more than 5 years ago, helped me package up some of the TeamDML T-shirts we had sold to new members.

Another day of shipping DML CBD orders. It’s shaping up to be our last BOGO of the year if the 2024 polls are correct. I cannot be giving away so many items for free if Bidenomics are here to stay. The inventory is getting light; it’s a great time to get started on a path to feel and look great again. Buy one get one free. Go to

We will be talking about the importance of the Ten Commandments law. Be sure to tune in on It’s only $18 for the entire year to get every show; the $18 offer ends July 31.

I do not like the White House ignoring the victims of illegal immigration.

I finished the outline for my book today. I will start writing it in a few weeks when we head off for vacation. More info to come!

Mary continues to recover from her oral surgery, I am scrambling to find food.

Do not wait for tomorrow. Start today. Tomorrow is never a certainty.

Hi Dennis, I live in Scotland and I love the new newsletter.

Send me your feedback: Email me at


In the Broke, Woke, & Crazy Folk section, we showed you the new high-rise building in Los Angeles, known as the Weingart Tower, that opened to house the homeless. The project, costing $600,000 per unit, includes amenities such as a gym, art room, music room, computer room, library, and cafe. Funded by taxpayers, it aims to provide permanent supportive housing for the homeless and veterans. The initiative has received mixed reactions, with some applauding the effort to address homelessness and others criticizing the high cost and questioning the allocation of resources.

Having produced a documentary on homelessness titled "The United States of Tents," which was a top-viewed documentary on Amazon Prime for over a year, I strongly support new housing initiatives for the homeless. I prefer the small villages approach as shown in my film, where the mini-homes cost about $20,000 each to build. To drop $600k per unit seems excessive, but that’s California. More important, will the homeless receiving shelter be US citizens? Or illegals?

Yes, the new $600k shelters are expensive, but at this point it’s done. Bigger issue is getting these individuals off the streets. Perhaps experiencing a taste of a better life will inspire them to start anew. Let's see how it unfolds before we criticize it. Speaking of homelessness, the streets of Philly resemble a zombie camp. If you have time today, check out my podcast on, where I will showcase a video that will astound you in terms of how bad things are under Joe.


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5. Tell someone you love them.

Until tomorrow morning, I thank you for your support.
God bless you all,


Trump’s Endorsement Gets Dissed
