Trump’s Endorsement Gets Dissed

Good morning. Today is June 21.

I am covering Larry Hogan screwing Trump, Biden’s phone call set for after the debate, Trump dominating in NY, two illegals murder a 12-year-old, the best $18 you will ever spend, Biden gets $20M from one donor, the adventures of DML, and so much more. Please share!


Trump Gets Dissed
Larry Hogan Sticks it to MAGA King

Trump’s tenacity is second to none. The man has more energy and fight in him than Mike Tyson did at 19-years-old. But imagine how awesome Trump would be if he were better at sizing up the winners and losers.

Somebody needs to take Donald Trump, hypnotize him, and explain why a RINO cannot be trusted. The reason for hypnotizing Trump is because it is the only way he will break the spell of choosing the wrong person. History proves this true.

Trump has many talents, but hiring people, endorsing the right candidate, and surrounding himself with the best staff is not one of them. Examples: Michael Cohen, Dr. Oz, Mike Pence, John Bolton, Anthony Scaramucci… the list is endless.

Trump always makes the same two mistakes.

#1: He engages with RINOs only to later get burned.

#2: He allows interviews with liberal media writers only to later get burned.

For today, I focus solely on #1. A prime example is Trump’s recent endorsement of the radical Republican, Larry Hogan.

Hogan is the former Republican-In-Name-Only governor of the deep blue state of Maryland. He is currently the frontrunner to win the seat for U.S. Senate.

Yesterday, Hogan completely distanced himself from Trump’s endorsement of him.

“Well, I just said I didn’t … I didn’t seek it, I didn’t wanna have it, and I have no interest in it. It’s not something we’re gonna be promoting, that’s for sure,” Hogan, a common Trump critic, said in an interview with D.C. radio station WTOP when asked if he rejects the endorsement.

Trump has said he would “like to see” Hogan “win” Maryland’s Senate race.
Trump is not living under a rock, he knows what Hogan is all about. I mean, come on man, it was only weeks ago that Hogan told the press his win would not equate to a vote for Republicans in the Senate. Trump should have backed some of the fine contenders who were running against Hogan, but that didn’t happen.

Who is Larry Hogan?
Imagine if Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney had a love child—that’s Larry Hogan but without hair.

Are We Losing It?
When I heard amnesty-loving Marco Rubio was on Trump’s shortlist for VP, I nearly fell off my seat. Then, I was shocked when Trump didn’t endorse conservative firebrand, Rep. Bob Good, who has an A+ rating for demanding border security and deporting illegals. But when Trump endorsed Hogan, I felt like he was doing a Biden impersonation. Is Trump losing his marbles? Perhaps all the stress of the criminal cases is getting to him. I don’t know what it is, but the Trump sons better get involved real soon. There is no way Don Jr. told his father to back Hogan.

I trust a Fox News poll as much as I trust Larry Hogan. But, like I said yesterday on my podcast, we cannot pick and choose the polls we like and don't like based on how Trump scores. Meaning, Fox News just published a poll stating Trump is losing ground to Joe Biden, who now sits two points ahead. That is like an Olympic sprinter losing a raise to turtle.

Today, every headline from the left is going to showcase how Hogan dissed Trump. Trump has got to get his “A-game” back. Stop giving the lefty media nonsense to write about. Stop dealing, meeting, endorsing, and considering RINOs, especially for the VP and cabinet positions. Start going totally 150% conservative. Get back to talking about illegal immigration, ending the funding of Ukraine, draining the swamp, and improving the economy.

In my opinion, despite showing incredible energy by doing rallies, if you look really close, Trump looks and sounds a bit tired. Understandably so. The guy has been through Hell and back. But, when you are tired you make little mistakes, like the one with Hogan. History tells us that little mistakes often lead to big mistakes. So, my advise: Trump needs to take a week’s vacation like Biden. Go home to Palm Beach. Get some sleep. Play some golf. Stay off social media. No interviews. Just relax, take a bubble bath, have dinner with Melania, watch some UFC fights on TV, and then get back on the horse seven days from now and pummel Biden in the debate.

Trump wasn’t happy yesterday with this one…

Trump Media & Technology Group plunged again Thursday after regulators approved its registration statement, clearing the way for investors to exercise warrants and for the company to issue extra shares, making millions more available for trading.

The social media company behind Trump’s go-to social media platform Truth Social plummeted 15% to close at $26.75 in trading Thursday, flirting with its all-time low of $22.55.

FULL DISCLOSURE: I am a shareholder of DJT

The Poll of the Day

POLL: Would you want RFK Jr. to be allowed on the debate stage?
Take the poll, click here

Yesterday’s poll results:
Do you support amnesty to illegal spouses and their children?

No  93.24%  
Yes  4.46%  
Unsure  2.3%   

*I apologize. Yesterday, the link to the poll did not work.


TRUMP 2024

New York State of Trump

In New York State, a traditionally blue state, Donald Trump is leading Joe Biden by double digits among independents, according to the latest Siena College survey. The survey also showed that Biden has a net negative approval rating in the state, with 42 percent viewing him favorably and 53 percent unfavorably, a net negative of -11 percent. This is a six-point increase from the previous month. Trump leads Biden among independents by a margin of 45 percent to 28 percent, a +17-point advantage for Trump in the state.

BIDEN 2024

Pay $25 and Get a Call From Joe!

Joe Biden visited Camp David on Thursday to prepare for his first 2024 debate with Trump, scheduled for next Wednesday. A person familiar with Biden's plans suggested he could spend nearly a week at Camp David preparing.

I wonder if his debate coaches are prepping him for the big call after the debate?

Who will be the lucky winner to get a call from Joe? All you need is a donation of $25 and a cell phone.

Check out the screenshot of Biden’s latest email blast:

This would be hysterical funny if I didn’t know in the back of my head that some dumbass liberal from Boston is probably asking his or her grandmother to borrow $25 to donate with hopes of hearing the old fella mumble.

My take is this… whoever gets the call will likely hear nothing but crickets. You and I know Biden likely falls asleep while on the phone. Odds are he is on the bowl, trying to pass all the amphetamines, but passes out instead.

“Joe…. Joe…. You still there?”


Jocelyn Nungaray


Another Day. Another Murder

The two men charged with the murder of Jocelyn Nungaray, a 12-year-old Texas girl, are migrants from Venezuela who were released under the 'alternatives to detention' program.

Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, was fitted with a GPS ankle monitor by an Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent after he crossed at El Paso in Texas on May 28, but he had cut it off by the time the pair were arrested for killing Nungaray.

Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, was also released after being intercepted by border agents on March 14, little more than three months before Jocelyn's body was found floating in a creek near her Houston home on Monday.

Both men were charged with capital murder on Thursday after and investigators are awaiting the result of tests to confirm whether she was raped as well as murdered.

ALSO: Tacking on to what I reported to you yesterday about got-aways escalating, a new report indicates that about 194,000 migrants illegally crossed into the U.S. between southwest border ports of entry as "known got-aways,"
entering without screening or identification. According to CBP reports, this occurred in the first eight and a half months of Fiscal Year 2024, averaging around 500 per day in the past week. The El Paso Sector recorded the highest number of such
crossings, totaling nearly 62,000 this year.



The headlines today are incredible. Click here for to see them all, plus the videos.

- Map shows Chinese-owned farmland next to 19 US military bases
- Texas grandma jailed in alleged political retaliation
- Mayoral candidate wants AI to run the city
- Democrat Jayapal Chuckles About Illegal Alien Raping Young Girl
- If Every Christian Voted, ‘We Would Never Lose Another Presidential Election’
- Rite Aid Approaches 550 Store Closures
- Alvin Bragg Drops Charges Against Nearly All Columbia Protesters
- UofA now incorporating a class in which students are told to “live like a bug”
- High Rates of Loneliness Seen Among Bisexual and Transgender People
- US sanctions Mexican cartel on fentanyl
- Biden Gets $20M from One Donor

Get all those stories in one place. Click here.


My Boat & Talk on Facebook LIVE last night was a lot of fun. One woman asked if I would host another LIVE show in Florida like I did back in 2019. It was standing room only, and a ton of fun. But if I could do it again, I would do it so much better. Would you come to Florida if I held an event?

After I record the DML News Podcast today at 8:30am, I am headed to Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville to undergo a procedure on my stomach to ensure everything is healing nicely. Prayers would be appreciated.

We will be talking about the murder of the 12-year-old in Texas by two illegal alien slime-balls who need their actual balls chopped off. Be sure to tune in on It’s only $18 for the entire year to get every show; the $18 offer ends July 31.

I do not like it when kids are victims, and Joe Biden acts as if nothing happened.

I got a really short hair cut yesterday, and I am no longer sweating my butt off!

Mary isn’t making me anything, but it’s because I cannot eat today before my procedure.

Do not ignore the possibility that your stomach pain could be caused by your lower back. Maybe see a chiropractor.


Why nothing on the death of Willie Mays on the DML News app? He was a legend.

DML: Good point.  My bad.

Send me your feedback: Email me at


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Until tomorrow morning, I thank you for your support.
God bless you all,


