DEBATE NIGHT: a.k.a. the 90-minute promo for Adderall

Good morning. Today is June 27.

I am covering the SCOTUS censorship decision, Trump polling, Biden & Adam, the debate night, RINOs love amnesty, our LIVE show tonight, and so much more. Please share!



You Cannot Speak Freely

I know the presidential debate is the big news today, and I address it fully in the sections below. However, for the DML REPORT, I have to give my two cents about how the so-called conservative Supreme Court (SCOTUS) went totally woke on Wednesday.

As you likely read on The DML NEWS App, in a 6-3 majority ruling, the SCOTUS sided with Biden in a dispute with Republican-led states over how far the federal government can go to combat social media posts on topics including COVID-19 and election security.

Six of the nine justices threw out lower-court rulings that favored Louisiana, Missouri, and other parties in their claims that officials in the Democratic administration leaned on social media platforms to unconstitutionally squelch conservative points of view.

The six idiots claimed the states and other parties lacked the legal right, or standing, to sue in Murthy v. Missouri.

I'm not a lawyer, so I can't provide legal analysis, but I know enough to see that this ruling isn't good for those who believe in freedom of speech. The First Amendment doesn’t mention Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or Truth Social, but its language is clear—the White House shouldn’t be able to tell social media platforms to censor speech.

The First Amendment states:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Clearly, Congress cannot make laws that prohibit free speech. So why is Joe Biden and his administration permitted to tell Facebook, Twitter, or any platform to delete, restrict, or edit what you post online?

I've said it a million times: Trump is terrible when it comes to hiring or appointing people. Two great examples are Justices Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett, both appointed by Trump and expected to be conservative, but both disappointed once again by siding with the liberals, including Justice Roberts, who epitomizes the term RINO.

Coney Barrett wrote for the 6 justices who sided with censorship. She wrote:

To establish standing, the plaintiffs must demonstrate a substantial risk that, in the near future, they will suffer an injury that is traceable to a government defendant and redressable by the injunction they seek. Because no plaintiff has carried that burden, none has standing to seek a preliminary injunction.

Must demonstrate a substantial risk?
I think she is losing her mind like Biden! I remind the SCOTUS, none of us were able to post warnings about the vaccine or share stories reflecting its lack of efficacy because the White House cracked down on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and the bunch. The result: deadly and life-changing vaccine injuries.

Countless posts were pulled down when questioning the 2020 election. Censorship was in full display — the White House didn’t want anyone to discuss the improbability that Biden pulled in 81 million votes; no pictures were permitted if they highlighted what appeared to be shady processes of stuffing mail-in ballots; no questioning was allowed about internet-connected counting machines; and it was forbidden to post videos that appeared to show poll workers hiding ballot boxes.

Free speech is a self-evident good. The danger of infringing on free speech has been shown throughout history to outweigh any theoretical harm that could occasionally arise from unrestricted free speech. So, why should respondents in Murthy v. Missouri be required to present concrete evidence of a specific harm suffered as a result of the White House forcing social media companies like Facebook to censor speech?

Our "inalienable rights" as citizens are completely compromised when our speech is infringed upon by radical, unconstitutional demands imposed on Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms by the White House.

I am not alone in my disgust!
Justice Samuel Alito wrote the dissent, joined by Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch. Alito, who declared the case as one of the most important to be brought before the Court, expressed disappointment:

He stated that the respondents had brought enough evidence to suggest the government's actions were unconstitutional, but that "the Court, however, shirks that duty and thus permits the successful campaign of coercion in this case to stand as an attractive model for future officials who want to control what the people say, hear, and think. That is regrettable.”

In short, the next time the White House doesn’t like the narrative you and I want to express, share, and discuss online, we are sh*t out of luck. For example, if I go on Facebook tomorrow and state, "The debate was fixed, CNN screwed Trump and totally ignored Biden was using drugs. The 2020 election was likely stolen, and so too will the one in 2024," my post will have limited reach, may be taken down entirely, and my account could be reported to the White House. My name will likely be added to the “censor him” list, which I am probably already on.

You may as well tape over your mouth now because we just inched closer to being the United States of China.

Speaking of Judges…
Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo faced criticism for blaming former President Trump for the death of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray, who was killed by two illegal immigrants. Hidalgo accused Trump of politicizing the issue, but was confronted by a reporter who pointed out her own politicization of the tragedy. From that point, she became a mumbling liberal who has not right to be on the bench. Watch here.

We will be discussing both of these stories on my podcast tonight prior to the debate at 8:30pmET. Be sure to join


POLL: Who do you think Trump will choose as his running mate?
Take the poll, click here

Yesterday’s poll results:
Do you support the release of Julian Assange?

Yes  86% 
No  8%  
Unsure 6%   


TRUMP 2024


Tonight’s debate is critical. Trump has the opportunity to remind people what life in America was like pre-Covid. Under Trump’s leadership, the economy was strong, inflation was minimal, the world was relatively stable, the border was being addressed, and we were free to speak our minds.

Although CNN will be assisting Joe every chance they get, Trump has the upper hand because he won’t be on drugs. Trump must put Biden on the defensive, forcing him to explain the nonstop inflation, the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, the abandonment of Israel, his empowerment of Iran, the nonstop aid to Ukraine, America’s open borders, the support given to gender maniacs and pro-Hamas rioters, the war on law enforcement, social media censorship, selling off our oil reserves, not mentioning victims of illegal aliens by name, the drug epidemic, lawfare, mandatory vaccines for the military, and his noticeable cognitive decline pointed out by the DOJ.

In recent polls, Trump has shown a significant lead over Biden. Trump leads nationally and in key states like Wisconsin, with notable shifts in voter demographics. Polls indicate Trump's gains among independents and younger voters.

Trump is winning men 59-37, that’s +22!

The only reason this race is close is Biden is winning women 53-40, that’s +13.

The 53% of women are no doubt in favor of abortion, and cannot see the other issues facing America.

NOTE: My sons and I will be live tonight for debate coverage, starting at 8:30pmET, exclusively at Join for just $18 /year ($1.50/month). Sign up today.

BIDEN 2024


Biden’s team was all warm and fuzzy Wednesday over an endorsement from former House Rep. Adam Kinzinger, also known as the failed RINO from Illinois who served with former Rep. Liz Cheney on the J6 committee. In my opinion, such endorsements shouldn't be showcased.

A small reminder that Joe Biden fired over 7,000 military members because they refused the COVID vaccine. Then proceeded to bring 10+ million unvetted, unchecked, unvaccinated illegal aliens into the US and spread them to all 50 states.

Tonight will be a huge win for Big Pharma as the drug Adderall will get a 90-minute commercial at no charge.
Adderall works by changing the amounts of certain natural substances in the brain. Amphetamine/dextroamphetamine belongs to a class of drugs known as stimulants. It can help increase your ability to pay attention, stay focused on an activity, and control behavior problems.

Taking Adderall can make a person overly talkative or show unusual excitability. They may appear aggressive or impatient, experience incomplete thoughts or have memory loss.

Drastic mood swings or shifts in behavior may also accompany Adderall use. In some cases, the introduction of stimulant drugs may trigger panic attacks or even psychosis, which may include hallucinations or delusions. So get ready for Biden to tell you inflation is down, the border is secure, Ukraine is winning, and Trump is a threat to democracy.

We will be discussing this on my podcast tonight prior to the debate at 8:30pmET. Be sure to join




House Votes to Defund Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas
The U.S. House of Representatives passed an amendment to defund the office of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, following his impeachment earlier in the year. The amendment, sponsored by Rep. Andy Biggs, aims to prevent taxpayer funds from being used to pay Mayorkas' salary. The House voted 193 to 173 in favor of the amendment, with only one Republican opposing it. This action is part of a broader effort to address concerns over border security and immigration policies.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene tried to insert an amendment but did not get full GOP support. She wrote the following on Twitter (X):

My amendment would have effectively FIRED Secretary Mayorkas by reducing his salary to $1. These “Republicans” voted to KILL the amendment and keep paying Mayorkas AFTER we impeached him.

@RepMariaSalazar from Florida apparently thinks Mayorkas is doing a great job.

@ZachNunn from Iowa thinks Mayorkas should get paid for the invasion at the Southern border. And retiring

@RepLarryBucshon from Indiana wants Mayorkas to keep his job.

More than a dozen House Republicans helped Democrats fund Joe Biden’s executive amnesty for up to a million illegal aliens, ensuring they can remain in the United States without being eligible for deportation.

The executive amnesty, announced this month, will allow at least 550,000 illegal alien spouses and children of American citizens to secure green cards and, eventually, naturalized American citizenship.

On Wednesday, Rep. Chip Roy’s (R-TX) plan to ban Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funds from being used to carry out the amnesty failed after 14 House Republicans joined 202 House Democrats to block the measure.

The 14 Republicans are filled with Latinos:

  • Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer (R-OR)

  • Rep. Mario Díaz-Balart (R-FL)

  • Rep. John Duarte (R-CA)

  • Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA)

  • Rep. Carlos Giménez (R-FL)

  • Rep. Jenniffer González-Colón (R-PR)

  • Rep. David Joyce (R-OH)

  • Rep. Thomas Kean (R-NJ)

  • Rep. Young Kim (R-CA)

  • Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY)

  • Rep. Amata Radewagen (R-AS)

  • Rep. Maria Salazar (R-FL)

  • Rep. Michelle Steel (R-CA)

  • Rep. David Valadao (R-CA)

    We will be discussing this on my podcast tonight prior to the debate at 8:30pmET. Be sure to join



The headlines today are incredible. One click to read them all.

1. Biden pardons veterans convicted under regulation used to keep LGBTQ members from serving (plus, White House "honors" gay marriage)

2. Luna Challenges Garland: Release Biden Tapes or Face Inherent Contempt

3. Google at It Again: Platform STILL Burying Trump Campaign Website

4. Health Secretary Levine, Who was Born a Man, Opposes Age Limits for Transgender Treatment

5. Dengue fever cases prompt CDC health alert.

6. Charges announced over alleged $120K bribe attempt during pandemic relief fraud trial

7. Highland Park Parade Shooting Suspect Rejects Offered Plea Deal

8. Indiana man and son get into shootout with 3 home intruders and realize wounded suspect is their relative

9. Vermont man arrested for flipping off cops gets payout of $175k

10. Bolivia coup attempt fails after military assault on presidential palace

11. There are only 4 days remaining for the DML CBD BOGO event. Go to



I am with my son Denny, prepping for tonight’s LIVE podcast on My other son Ryan is on the controls off-camera.

TONIGHT: My sons and I will be hosting a LIVE podcast, starting at 8:30pmET on
You must be a member to watch. I am running a special offer to join for a mere $18 per year ($1.50/month). It entitles you to watch all of my podcasts, engage in our LIVE CHAT 24/7, get ad-free news on the DML NEWS APP, and get first dibs on specials we run for various products and services. Sign up before 8pmET today and be included in the LIVE debate show.

1. If you are not a member of, go to the website and sign up for $18 for the entire year. Or even better, download the DML NEWS APP from the Google Play Store / Apple App Store depending on your device. Go to INTERACT on the app, and click TeamDML Memberships. Join, create an account.

2. Tonight at 8:30pmET, either login at, or via the Podcast or Interact tabs on the DML NEWS APP.

3. On the video player, click the LIVE bottom on the bottom. Wait until 8:30pmET. Doing it beforehand will get you a blank screen.

4. We will be taking questions from members before and after the debate. We will be commenting on your comments during the debate via the LIVE CHAT.

This week is the final week for the DML CBD BOGO EVENT, which will likely be the last one this year unless Trump wins. Please get in there an load up. Some items have been sold out, do not wait.

Because we are LIVE tonight, there is no podcast this morning. Please join for just $18 per year. The offer for $18 ends July 31.

Send me your feedback: Email me at


1. Please support this newsletter by becoming annual member of TeamDML for as little as $18 / year. Offer ends July 31. Go to

2. BOGO Sale at

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4. Download the DML NEWS APP from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

5. Try to show your support for Trump.

Until tomorrow morning, I thank you for your support.
God bless you all,


Hunter Urges Joe to Stay Put as Report Claims He’s Dropping Out
