Hunter Urges Joe to Stay Put as Report Claims He’s Dropping Out

Good morning. Today is July 1.

I am covering the end of Pride Month, Trump has dementia, Supreme Court to rule on immunity, O’Reilly claims Joe is dropping out but NY Times reports the opposite, border madness, my new book, BOGO ends today, the adventures of DML, and so much more. Please share!



Toddlers Exposed to Naked Gay Men
Why Do We No Longer Protect Kids?

I apologize in advance for some of the language and descriptions herein, but sometimes the story must be told in full color, especially when the colors form a rainbow.

There are many days when I wish I were not in this business. I much prefer burying my head in my golf bag in search for new balls to hit instead of focusing on a video where some gay guy's balls hit me between the eyes. I still feel sick from the Twitter videos I saw yesterday, so imagine how a little young boy must feel to witness a gay man’s testicles up and close in real life.

The entire ‘Pride’ movement is influencing our downfall as a society, and so I am relieved that "Pride Month" has finally come to an end. However, it concluded with grotesque gay men exposing themselves in front of small kids.

Credit screenshots to Post Millennial

In Seattle on June 30th, the Pride Parade was in full swing for everyone to witness. Naked gays were riding bikes, roller skating, and dancing in the streets, while adult spectators cheered them on. More distressingly, children, including some in strollers, seemed forced to watch it all unfold, with nowhere else to divert their attention.

The videos speak for themselves. Numerous hairy dudes flaunting their genitalia to small children, who seemed so close that they could have easily reached out and touched a penis or two.

To compound matters, a group of children from the Scouts of America (formerly Boy Scouts of America) led the parade. I find the entire event sickening and view it as a form of child abuse.

Why Go Naked?
What is the point of parading naked, and why is it permitted.
San Francisco held a Pride Parade of its own; again, naked guys were showcasing their hotdogs and beans in front of little kids. A reporter asked a cop if it’s legal. In the video, the cops says it’s completely ok for as long as there is no lewd behavior such as masturbation.

So let me ask this question…
If naked parades are permissible, it must then be okay for hairy naked guys to parade outside a schoolyard where kids play at recess for as long as the naked guys don’t masturbate?

I have no animosity towards same sex partners and gay folks.

If you are a dude and desire having some soft-spoken guy manhandle you in bed, have at it. If you are a grown woman who wants to lay down next to another adult female and play touchy feely, good for you. Whatever floats your boat. But in my opinion, there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that any sane person wants children to be exposed to such a thing. I see no reason for flaunting your junk in front of a kid unless you are a sick bastard. But what’s even more sick is how mayors, governors, police chiefs, sheriffs, and town councils permit this crap to happen.

By no means am I prude, but there has to be limits. If Mary and I are watching a movie with the kids and a naked love scene hits the screen, I tell the kids to close their eyes as I hit the mute button — I don’t turn off the movie completely. Furthermore, I am okay with public forms of affection when it’s polite. For example, if we are at the airport and I am leaving solo for a long trip, I will give my wife a kiss that lasts for a few seconds in front of my kids and strangers. Never do I go for a tongue swapping rated-R sort of kiss, that’s going too far. The same level of respect should be shown by and for everyone, gay or straight.

Selective Arrests
If my neighbors saw me dancing in the street with my wife, both of us naked, and in front of our kids, they would call the cops. Odds are high we would be arrested, or at the very least child protection services would be called in. So, how is it permissible for naked dudes to be shaking their asses in front of my kids or grandkids? Especially, if the kids are preschoolers.

The entire Pride movement has become downright sickening. We do not need a month to celebrate Pride, unless that pride is honoring the men and women of the US military. Going deeper, we don’t even need a single day to honor Pride — why can’t the gays, trans, and lesbians simply celebrate Valentine’s Day like the rest of us.

Why don’t we celebrate Family Month? Or how about God Month?

When was it that our nation went completely off the rails! It used to be ‘women and children first.’ Today, it’s illegal aliens, gays, lesbians, trans, and Ukrainians first. I don’t get it, I never will.

You know I champion for Trump on a daily basis, but I will not lie — if he wins this 2024 election — I will be livid if he doesn’t try to put a stop to the national epidemic of exposing children to sexualized parades, rated-X visuals, and story-hours with drag queens.

Any parent, guardian, teacher, or guidance counselor who brings a kid to march in a Pride Parade, or makes them watch from the street curb, or pushes a book with inappropriate material like gay anal sex, should be brought up on charges. I will never change my position on this matter, so help me God.

To close out, allow me to emphasize how the visuals of this Pride Parade are stuck in my head, and how nauseous I am. This will be the first July 4 in my adult life when I won’t eat hot-dogs and beans. The visual of Oscar Meyers weiner being anywhere near my face will make me throw up.

The Poll of the Day

POLL: Who do you think Democrats will choose to replace Biden?
Take the poll, click here

Yesterday’s poll results:
Who won the first presidential debate?
Trump  99.3% 
Joe  .03%  


TRUMP 2024

Supreme Monday

The Supreme Court is scheduled to rule on Monday regarding whether former President Trump has immunity from criminal prosecution. This monumental decision follows a ruling that cast doubt on charges against hundreds of Jan. 6 protesters, including Trump. The stakes are immense, reflecting the broad scope of Trump's request. The former president is asking the court to dismiss his federal Jan. 6 case based on his claims of immunity.

While the court may ultimately reject Trump's broad immunity request, several justices indicated during April arguments that they are open to establishing some form of protection from criminal prosecution for former presidents.

Two videos worth watching.

1. The insanity of a Democrat has no limits, and Nancy Pelosi is the proof in the pudding. She appeared on CNN Sunday and seriously claimed Trump is the candidate with dementia. Watch.

2. Model Amber Rose appears in a new MAGA-themed music video from rapper Forgiato Blow, titled “Trump Trump Baby” — an ode to former President Donald Trump and a takedown of Joe Biden’s disastrous presidency.

BIDEN 2024


It was a wildly dangerous weekend for Joe, everyone was taking a bite out of the old guy.

It started with Former Fox News star, Bill O’Reilly, posting a report claiming Biden had made the decision to drop out of the race due to poor polling numbers post the debate, and an inability to raise campaign money. Bill said it was a matter of time before the White House made the announcement.

Hours later, The NY Times published an article stating the Biden family was urging Joe to remain the candidate, with his son Hunter being the most bold of voices. The NY Times had also published an op-ed from its editorial board Friday suggesting Biden drop out.

It’s hard to know what to believe.
The Biden campaign sent an email to supporters outlining how they can address criticisms of President Biden's debate performance. This email follows last week's first presidential debate between Biden and former President Trump, which drew widespread criticism of the president's performance. It reads: "If you’re like me, you’re getting lots of texts or calls from folks about the state of the race after Thursday. Maybe it was your panicked aunt, your MAGA uncle, or some self-important podcasters. It’s a tough position to be in, so I thought it might be helpful to send you a few responses."

The email encourages supporters to forcefully push back against those calling on the president to drop out of the race, accusing such critics of being part of the "bedwetting brigade."

A CBS News poll released on Sunday revealed that more voters have doubts about Biden's cognitive abilities. Conducted between Friday and Saturday, the poll found that only 18% of voters felt Biden's debate performance inspired confidence, compared to 44% for Trump. Additionally, just 21% of respondents believed Biden presented his ideas clearly. Earlier in June, 35% of voters thought Biden had the mental and cognitive health to serve as president, but that number fell to 27% after the debate.




Dozens of migrants accused of forcefully crossing the border at El Paso, Texas, on March 21 have been released into the country, an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) spokesperson confirmed to The NY Post.

This incident follows a video captured by The Post, showing 211migrants rushing towards the US border and clashing with Texas National Guardsmen attempting to turn them back. During the chaos, at least one migrant was seen stomping on a service member.

NYPD reveals that the ruthless TDA gang is establishing its presence in New York. Members are Venezuelan illegal migrants. TDA recruitment ads that used to be filmed in Venezuela and Ecuador are now being filmed in NYC’s Times Square. Police link them to robberies, shootouts, smuggling operations, and murder. Watch the report.



The headlines this morning are incredible. One click to read them all.

1. Pride Chaos: Brawls Erupt at Washington Square Park.

2. Florida homeowners fight squatters with new law that ends 'scam.'

3. Georgia Parents Molested and Offered 2-Year-Old Daughter to Be Raped.

4. Le Pen’s far right set for big win in first round of French election.

5. Schumer faces heat as bill to protect kids online stalls in Congress.

6. John Deere announces layoffs in Midwest amid production shift to Mexico.

7. Mark Zuckerberg Says AI Competitors Think They Are ‘Creating God.’

8. FDNY Commissioner Reportedly Slams Firefighters In Texts To NY AG.

9. Manufacturers recall 135 batches of meds fearing they can cause cardiac arrest.

10. Hurricane Beryl maps show path and landfall forecast.

11) DML CBD BOGO. Ends at midnight Pacific. Go now:



The screenshot is from a YouTube video highlighting my last appearance on Fox with Megyn Kelly in late 2014, when I announced my exploration of a presidential run in 2016. I would later decide not to run, but the idea that I would even consider such a thing angered the GOP, Fox News leadership, and a few major donors, ultimately reshaping my media career in what I sometimes consider the wrong direction.

Mary often reminds me that my pursuit of something so significant likely cost me a permanent time slot on Fox, a point I reflect on this morning as I finish writing the first chapter of my first book.

The book's direction is inspired by the poll choices you made last week regarding its content. Titled "THE UNITED STATES of LIES: How to Make America Honest Again," it delves into my eye-popping experiences in news and politics, and outlines some ideas and strategies I hold for revitalizing our nation.

Despite starting and stopping writing attempts before, this time I am committed to seeing it through, aiming to finish shortly after the election for an early next year launch. The opening chapter, which I will preview in this Saturday's newsletter, is particularly impactful. It sets the stage for the book's title and its relevance. It also revisits my appearance on Megyn's show, the events leading up to it, its aftermath, and the lies that the media tells people like you.

More specifically, the chapter I will share addresses how the pervasive lies in our society are undermining our country, underscored by a pivotal moment in my life where, given the chance, I would have made different choices—specifically, staying in the race. This decision would have put me directly against Trump. Reflecting on this, I realize we connect the dots looking backward so we can move forward with a better understanding of where to go and how to get there. But truth be told, deep within me is confusion. I don’t where I am going, nor do I know why I am writing this book; God seems to be guiding me for a purpose beyond my current understanding. Only He knows why it must be written, and I hope time will reveal its significance to us all.

With the above in mind, I want to remind everyone of two things.
(1) I am running a special offer to join for a mere $18 per year. It entitles you to watch all of my podcasts, engage in our LIVE CHAT 24/7, ad-free news, and get first dibs on specials we run for various products and services. This week, we will be hosting a LIVE event online during the debate for our members. Please consider joining at

(2) Today is the final week for the DML CBD BOGO EVENT, which will likely be the last one this year unless Trump wins. Please get in there an load up. Some items have been sold out, do not wait.

We will be talking about Biden’s next moves, the Pride Parade, Lara Trump, and Nancy Pelosi’s crazy appearance on CNN. To listen and watch the show, please join for just $18 per year. The offer for $18 ends July 31.

Send me your feedback: Email me at


1. Please support this newsletter by becoming annual member of TeamDML for as little as $18 / year. Offer ends July 31. Go to

2. BOGO Sale at

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4. Download the DML NEWS APP from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

5. Pick up the phone and call someone you have neglected to call.

Until tomorrow morning, I thank you for your support.
God bless you all,




DEBATE NIGHT: a.k.a. the 90-minute promo for Adderall